Purse #8. This one is drawn from memory. It's the one that got away. The one I didn't buy. I have a list of purchases that I wish I'd made. Missed opportunities that'll probably annoy me for the rest of my days; that mirror with a beautiful carved frame from a charity shop in Didsbury, a gorgeous green tweed jacket I saw in Manchester, an automaton from an antique shop in Canada, and those Converse (that were the exact same colour as my sepia drawing) from a shop in Norwich. AND they were half price in the sale. Damn. Funny, the things that make it through to the long term memory, don't you think?
More purses and stuff
Ah yes, those ne'er forgotten lost treasures ... I will sit awake tonight trying to figure out how you drew this one Andrea. :) So beautiful.
This proves your wonderful observational skills, you noticed every detail and still remember it.
You probably didn't need another purse and talked yourself out of it, only to regret.I do it all the time, with things. Memories,well you have that purse as a memory and now a great drawing.
such perfection...
Hi Andrea! I guess I'm agreeing with Milly, although I know what you mean about letting things go you wish you had bought afterwards . . . But it's true that you now have this wonderful, wonderful drawing of it! I just LOVE it!!!
I like very much the drawing's that you use a pen, I have to buy one could you suggest me one?
From memory! It has such a nice velvety texture.
Gorgeous little flowers on this one! I will never cease to be amazed at your detailing!!! BTW, I've tagged you a "Rockin' Girl Blogger," go to my blogsite to see!
Your drawings give me a great sensation of calm and serenity, somekind of wisdom (I'm trying not to talk of the great beauty or the gogeous technique).
Thank you for your comments I'm really flattered. I must admit that I', using a brrown pen after seeing your drawings. By the way, I use a Pilot G-Tech-C4, but I think that yours is thinner, could you please tell me what kind of pen is it?
Finally, yes, I am on Flickr (only with my photos) here http://www.flickr.com/photos/mherranz/
Cheers guys,
I like this one 'cos it just came straight out of the memory bank. I love that - what drawing can bring up. Yet another cool thing about drawing in my opinion.
France, I'm glad you got that texyure because that's what I was trying to convey.
Miguel (and Computerate), that is the exact pen that I use - in black and brown.
Computerate, you know I'm not much of an expert in different pens. I find that you just need to try out a few pens and settle for the one that works for you and your style. I'm not fussy about different brands - I use whatever feels right. Just experiment!
Cheers Brenda!
Thanks everyone.
I like your style !
Tous ces dessins sont magnifiques !
Wow Andrea, I can't believe you drew this from memory ... I wouldn't have tackled it if it had been sitting in front of me, all those flowers and details! Amazing.
Thanks Andrea!
Cheers guys. All of your visits and comments mean so much to me. Thanks.
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