Just a couple of quickies. Not much drawing going on around here at the moment. I've just finished my college course. It feels weird to not have an assignment on my mind - but good too. I did these in colour ballpoint. I'm guessing you can tell what they are??
your work is great and brilliant. I'm your fan. Sorry for my english but I'm portuguese.
Andrea, I've found your blog and love your Freud drawing and the drawings you've done of shoes. Don't give up on your portraits. They have a lot of energy. Regards.ns
Fun splash of colour! (I think I know what they are...)
Congratulations on the completion of your course! And congratulations on your wonderful art! These are delightful.
None of mine look anything like that, and certainly have never inspired a drawing. Perhaps it's time for a new "foundation", something a little more "supportive" of my art ~grin~ Your gift for finding beauty in the smallest things is always an inspiration.
Clever - and so much prettier than any of mine. How come they're not washing-machine grey? LOL.
Thank you guys!
Ryan, I should think you do know...you being a married man!!
Great! As always !!!
Andrea, visiting your site is always a bright spot in my day. Your drawings are always colorful - in more ways than one. Thank you for sharing them.
And thanks for the great comments you left on my site. I guess I need to get some new stuff posted...
Cheers guys.
It's funny how most people 'got' what this was a drawing over here at my blog - it seemed to confuse some folk over on Flickr.
I did choose some of the nicer ones to draw. The washing-machine greys didn't really inspire me too much. Or those horrible sporty kind. Nah!
Thanks Nancy - I do want to keep on with the portraits although they frighten me a little. I will keep trying though..
Very nice and colourful, Andrea! Adjustable, of course . . . Perhaps your drawing attitude needs a little adjustmant, too. Like Nancy said, go for some more portraits! You don't have to post them, after all (but I think they will be fabulous!).
add me to the list of women who want pretty ones like these. i do believe i need to get some colored ones! :-) i just adore your drawings - and the details ... oh i love the details and those little lines
I am great SUPPORTer of this drawing! ha ha! ha.. ha.. oh dear.
Haven't visited in a while but found so many gems on my return! Don't stop, don't stop! =]
Aaaw thanks ladies.
My first thought on seeing these was wow - I want those! So pretty, and delicate. Beautifully rendered.
I loooove these, erm, "supports" - would have never have though to have drawn them. What mysteries lie, erm, close to our chests!
Hmmm, college course done. Must mean you're catching up on the laundry-side of life???
What a fun take – and I am enjoying the collection of comments ;-)
Have a good holidays!
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