I'm going to be little self indulgent now; I've decided to re-post my favourite picture from these last few months work. I have produced a lot of work in these 100 posts that I'm proud of. Work that would never have been created if I hadn't joined the Everyday Matters group and started this blog.
There are a few pieces that came to mind when thinking about my own personal favourite. But there was really only one picture that stands out for me which is this; my spotty brolly. I know that if I had seen this drawing on somebody elses blog I'd be thinking "Damn, I wish that was mine". And that feels good.

It also seems fitting that my favourite was a piece of work that I created in response to an Everyday Matter's Challenge (draw something that folds). To see the rest of my EDM set click HERE. Cheers!
Happy Cent- centennial? Centipost? Ah, heck: Congrats!
That umbrella is so indicative of your meticulous style and patience - it's awesome! Count me among those very glad to have found your work!
Wow, that one musta taken a lot of time, what w/ all the stripes and all. :)
this one is great. i love these kind of illustrations. and wow 100 posts? CONGRATULATIONS!
There's a lot of work to be proud of.
I enjoy looking at your drawings everytime you post.
And what's the next goal? 200?
Happy 100 posts!! I remember this drawing ... my only problem is that I say exactly that : "Damn I wish that were mine," but for pretty much all of your drawings!
Happy 100!!! I have loved every piece along the way! And your brelly was a real star! But then all your work is star-worthy!
Congratulations on reaching your 100th!! It would be very difficult for me to choose just ONE of yours as a favorite -- but the spotty brolly definitely would be among the contenders. I remember the first time I saw it -- I was AMAZED!!
Congratulations on reaching your 100th post! That's quite neat, actually. I love all your drawings but yes, I think your brolly is superb!
Looking forward to the next 100 postings!
One hundred posts of good company!
Thank you all so much. I am really touched by the response I have had to my drawings over the past few months. And the next goal is most definatley 200, Kunya!
Cheers everyone...and Mariana - I thought I'd banned you from saying such things!!
congrats on meeting the first of many (we hope) milestones.
SOOO Neat...how do you do it...love the polka dot umbrella...
Conratulations! You SHOULD be proud of all the art you've created! It's been a pleasure following your creative adventures :)
Happy 100 posts! Your art work is consistently excellent, and this one really exemplifies that, it's a perfect little jewel of a drawing. Looking forwar to the next 100!
I love all the work you have shown during yor 100 posts... I don't think I could pick just one favorite.
Whoohoo! Let me join the others in saying congrats. I've really enjoyed the journey with you. By the way, its wonderful seeing all your EDM posts together on Flickr. Your use of color really stands out in the thumbnails.
I add my congratulations to your hundredth post. Well done indeed!! And good for you for diligently drawing the EDM challenges. I meant to...haven't...LOVE your work andrea!
Can't stop me from thinking them though :)
Congrats Andrea. This is a favorite of mine too. I like the light touch and whimsical quality of the composition.
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