This black leather designer bag cost me a (relative) fortune when I bought it about 10 years ago. I feel the price tag was justified because I have used it regularly for the last decade. And the moral of the story is buy a classic shape and style and it'll last forever; resulting in less guilt.
That is such a fun (and girlie) sketch. I enjoy the layout and commentary.
I love, love, love looking in your bag! This is a fantastic drawing. I like how you chose to use only two colors, as well as the key identifying the items in your bag. I didn't know you called hair bands bobbles...I'm learning something new everyday!
If you haven't before, you might like checking out Heather Lorin's blog "Mixed Bag." http://www.heatherlorin.blogspot.com She has done some interesting inventories of her own handbags.
Great job on your lovely, but serviceable bag! It IS fun to see what ladies carry in their bags.
Great idea for a sketch. I think I'll have to do this one at some time. I really enjoy your style. Fun blog. I like the lemon too.
Great bag Andrea! Artistically and practically. Love the inside sketches. Cute little keychain and even a bobby pin. Very cute layout.
Brilliant! Gosh i love the concept -- laying your pocketbook bare like this, disclosing its contents. What i also like is the colors you used. It adds a "matter-of-fact-ness" to it that adds the right amount of humor.
And yes to somewhat expensive bags -- like shoes, they ARE worth it.
GREAT page! And a very stylish bag too.
wonderful page! Love the layout and the legend and the color scheme. It makes me think you're bag is very neat and organized..
great post.
I LOVE this. It would be fun to post in the "What's in Your Bag" pool on flickr. I'd definitely fave it :)
Cheers guys.
Suzanne - this was one of those where the subject dictated the colour. The bag is black with red suede inside. It just had to be. Oh and I've just been to Heather's site - her artwork is amazing, loved her bags and inventories and her photography on Flickr is really great too.
And yep, it's true we learn something everyday; for examlpe I never knew a hair clip was called a 'bobby pin'!!! That's funny, thanks Teri; I assume that is what you were referring to!
France you are right, of course, it's always worth splashing out on bags and shoes, especially if you get good use out of them. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Thank you all for the lovely comments.
Gosh Heather we must have posted those comments at the same time! And it's already in What's In My Bag! Cheers.
So that's what you call hair ties! Bobbles!
Cute sketch =)
I'm really impressed that all of that fit in that cute little bag!
Great post. I really love your work, it's so unique.
what an incredible illustration
Thanks guys!
These 'drawn lists' always seem to strike a chord with people. I like to look at this kind of drawing too. It also gives you a good excuse for a good decluttering (is that a word - I doubt it!).
This is great! I'll have to do one of these too. It'd be neat to do one for pocket things and lunchbox things and drawer things.....
Wonderful wonderful!
beautiful always!!! just stopping and saying hi, "hi!"
I love looking in other people's bags, cupboards etc!! Super illo!
BTW, you've been tagged, check my blog!
Thanks guys,
Sue - it's true you could do this kind of 'list' with all sorts of stuff. I've already thought of a few more things. Plus, I've got loads of bags too!
Marjorie - Hi & Hugs!
Felicity - cheers for the tag. I've been thinking about it. It's just a matter of narrowing down all the weird stuff to just 6 points!
I too LOVE seeing what's in other peoples bags etc. I bame it on being an artist, that we need to observe to create....look, I think it's a good excuse!
Cheers everyone!
I really love this little black bag illustration, at the moment, I'd not like to illustrate what's in my bag- that's way too much! :)
It's great! I love the drawing, layout, two-one colouring, the contents and of course the handwriting! Oh dear I don't dare look into my vast other-dimension of a bag!
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