I was really chuffed when I was given my groceries in a brown paper bag yesterday. Strange, I know, but you don't see too many of them here anymore. I was looking forward to doing this challenge, but I soon found it wasn't as easy as it sounded. I started to over complicate things, making a real meal of it, and ended up getting really frustrated. So I decided to start again and strip it right back, simplify it. And, you know what, I'm really pleased with the result.
G'day Andrea,
Love your blog and always interested to see your postings.
My local supermarket has recently done away with plastic bags and now using paper bags. Your sketch has me thinking about ways that I could make use of the brown bag in my own work.
I think you are right to be pleased with the results!
Wonderful, wonderful - perfect lines, perfect color, you have amazing patience to create something like that. What a great drawing.
Man, you make a brown paper bag looks like a piece of art!!
Wow Andrea, what a beautifully done bag. Gosh it's gorgeous!
You should be happy! I love the little corner that's folded back at the bottom.
Cool colors too!
marvellous - do you use a ruler? or just 'wing' it? Seeing ways to simplify is a great skill.
Gosh, thanks everyone!
Susan, I think it's great that they've done away with plastic carrier bags Down Under. They are the reason that we do not have brown paper bags here - and they are one of my pet hates! They clutter up our beautiful countryside (from landfill sites to the side of every counrty lane), they make me very angry!!
Colleen, I'm not that patient apart from when I'm drawing! Alison, there are no rulers involved - I 'wing it' all the way. People often say to me that I must have a very steady hand - which is ironic as I actually have very shaky hands!
Cheers everyone - I really appreciate you taking time out to visit my blog and leave your comments.
Gorgeous in its simplicity. Love it!
Aw,thanks Rachel.
Your sketches are wonderful! I'm visiting from Andrea Pratt's blog.
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