I first posted this onion (above) some time ago, actually I think it was my first post, or at least my first EDM challenge. Back then I was just getting to grips with the scanner and so the picture was blurred and cropped far too close. I've just uploaded it for Flickr so I thought I'd post it here again. Also another little offering from just over 10 years ago. A decade of drawing onions!

I love drawing onions, too. These are delicious!
Wow, this is a gorgeous onion! Now this is progress of the finest kind.
Wonderful sketches! How about a garlic or bell pepper? I can imagine a great kitchen series here.
I've never drawn a single onion. The one from 10 years ago is a beauty -- the lines are simple and clear. There's already a lot of confidence in this.
I've only just recently discovered your blog but I can't help checking constantly to see if you've posted a new drawing ... your illustrations are absolutely beautiful, clean and so much fun. Gorgeous colours and a fantastic imagination ... have you illustrated any children's books? I want them! I'd love to be able to draw a tenth as well as you do. cheers.
Love both onions. They are wonderful!
Thanks guys!
Martha - I do have some garlic somewhere on this blog (probably November's archives) and I am working on that pepper!
Mariana - thank you so much! I feel extremley flattered (and a little unworthy of your kind comments!) your drawings are wonderful! I have children's books ready for publishing, next step; stop procrastinating!
Cheers everyone! These comments make me feel really good about what I'm doing!
Andrea, these are both fabulous, but my favorite is the newer one. and the zipper on the little coin purse is fantastic. Sorry i didn't write back when you posted on my blog weeks ago. I still don't have the settings right to notify me when somebody posts a comment, so I often miss them when I don't update regularly. but I'm hoping that'll change with the new year. You asked how many of the challenges I have done -- the short answer is "not enough!" but I believe it's 22. happy new year!
congratulations on 10 years of onions...hmmm or condolences? Seriously, your style has changed and grown dramatically. I love both onions for just want they are--your original work.
Cool to be able to see the difference in 10 years....
I remember that first onion with pleasure. It's nice to see it dancing again in clear focus this time.
Aaaw, thanks a lot!
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