So, some time back France Belleville and I started this draw off thingy.
It started with France's great drawing of Tom's camera that you can see HERE.
I came back at her with THIS drawing. I wasn't too happy with back then, but it has grown on me a little since.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, she threw THIS at me.
And finally, here's my response. Drawn in black ink with a little help from a big fat 2B.
Yes, it was supposed to be a drawing of the front of the camera. I did try but I got all freaked out by all the circles (I have terrible OCD tendencies when it comes to drawing circles, they have to be perfectly round or I'll have a nervous breakdown). So it ended up being a side on version. I will attempt the full frontal version again sometime in the future. But, one thing is for sure, I definitely won't be getting into any drawing matches with Mademoiselle Belleville* ever again.
*Of course, I'm always up for a challenge with Madame Van Stone. Congratulations France and Tom.