Wagonized and I are having a camera-off. It's like a face-off but with drawings of cameras. I lose, dismally, with this dull attempt. I obviously wasn't paying attention at cool school that day. However, France gets top marks for
THIS very, very cool drawing of Tom's camera.
Must try harder.
I think it's pretty stinkin' cool! I still have no idea how you do that with a ball point pen. You must have the patience of a saint. sigh.
You and Wagonized both simply "blow-me-away!"
I'm not quite sure a winner can be declared yet.
Absolutely amazing! What's more amazing is that you don't even realise that it is amazing!
Wow, so cool. I think you both win!
Oh shut up. Our mouths were agape while we stared at this amazing drawing. I love that you tilted it on the page, and the way you treated the strap!!!
I just spent a lovely 45 minutes reading and shaking my head in amazement at your drawings! You are amazing. The Moley-x seems like a fun project (though not only would I be intimidated by the company, I'd also be worried about my seeming inability to ever get around to mailing things.) Your work is so unique and so lovely!
Hi Andrea, thank you for the visit and comment on my blog... I have always been inspired and excited by your unique style in your drawings!
I call it a draw (tee hee hee!) They're both gorgeous cameras. And the Squeeze song title makes the post even better! Who doesn't love a good Squeeze song?
I would be hard pressed to pick a winner here. Both you and France have distinctive styles that I find amazing. I get inspired each time I visit both your blogs.
Andrea, I think you and I must have very different tastes: this drawing is AMAZING. Airy, precise, clean and, as usual, you have managed to endow an everyday object with a magical quality that is very hard to define but is present in nearly every one of your illustrations.
You making a dull drawing? You have to be kidding. Nothing you do is dull. Great job. I could only aspire to a tenth of your talent.
Well, France's "Oh shut up" seems an appropriate comment!! I can't help but wonder in gapey-mouthed wonderingness how anyone can achieve that fine a line in ANY sort of pen. It's about time you learnt to be less self-deprecating and admitted that, like it or not, you are in high-quality company.
Thank you all folks.
I know, I know, I am hyper critical about my own work. It's hard to change the habits of a life time. It really is. But I'm going to try.
Cheers for the lovely comments. They really mean a lot.
Such a great drawing. I liked the placement and the detail on the curling strap. Love your little japanese moleskine too, this is going to be a great project to follow.
This is my favourite so far...no! My favourite is the sketch's you made in the car looking for your background!
O.k. I give up I LOVE ALL OF THEM!
Thanks, ladies.
Hi, I am at a photography course, and I have to build my final portfolio, and I was wondering if I could use this drawing in it, I added things to it, so if I then could put my copyright on it?
My email is paulinenorden@gmail.com
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