I could have sworn that this was a British company. The design, to me, looks very British. Perhaps because they're so whimsical. However, Burt's Bees are actually from North Carolina. Seems like a lot of cool people live in North Carolina.
Another one of those things I have found since beginning this blog is that I really like drawing bees. Hmmmm, shame I don't have an old friend who was thinking of writing a book on honey (how is that going Greenbean?!).
Gorgeous! I had one of those once.
And i agree about North Carolina :-)
Oh, and are you still up??!!
Looks like a big improvement to me! Its got a wonderful old world feel.
I clicked on the second image, which made it huge, and I sat here in awe of you precision! It's beautiful and WAY nicer than the real cover to those tins!
This isn't a real logo? But it looks so right! They should be paying you for this.
I love the subtle textural and colour effects of that cross-hatching of yours. You have a very distinctive and lovely style.
Cheer guys,
Ryan - I had not enlarged the picture myself but when I did I noticed that some of the cross hatching was a little like honeycomb - in places. I liked that.
France - do you have to highlight my insomnia?! Your clocks seem to have gone forward ours haven't - that's my excuse anyway!
Thanks you guys!
Oh, a very cool "burt's bees"!!! - Mu husband uses this a lot and I thought it was a british product too! Live and learn!!! (we're in London...). Jules
Darn right a lot of cool people live in North Carolina!! :) I guess that means you have to come visit North Carolina some time!
Love this one...for obvious reasons.
OMG that looks so real!
gosh, it's wonderful now that you are re-designing designing things. You may get a job doing this.
Cheers guys!
Teri - while I was drawing this I was thinking about how much I really enjoy doing this kind of stuff. Wouldn't that be a cool job??
There's a better version on Flickr.
Sweet! Lots of good things come from NC. Those Burt's Bees are all over the place, and it's the greatest thing for lips, don'tcha think? Maybe you should send them your design and see if they want to buy it? hee hee! I actually like yours better!
Oh I LOVE it, really admire your patience and sensibility with details, is marvelous.
Thank you guys!
And hugs back to you!!
Brilliant! I love burts bees! Just amazing!
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