
Sunday, March 11, 2007

down the plughole


  1. Art is everywhere ...

  2. WOW. You are one of the few who can make a drain plug nice enough that I'd go WOW! :)

  3. Gosh, I wish I would have thought doing this for the challenge. I hated the sink I did. This is just superb!!

  4. Ok, how did you get all those tiny balls in the chain the exact same size?!!!! As usual, love your drawing!

  5. this is so beautifully designe - even a plug looks so elegant. I'll never look the same way at one. I love all your recent posts - haven't been able to comment lately because my computer kept timing out on the comments section.

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I love the warm colors you've been using in your latest three posts. This one is so clever -- and again, you must have had fun with that chain!!
    And BRAVO for looking down in your sink and turning it into art. :-)

  7. Thanks guys!

    Kristin - I actually thought that they were all different sizes! Maybe not. Once you draw one or two you get a feel for the size and the rest are easy!!

    France - I have been meaning to draw this for ages. Every time I would wash my face or brush my teeth I kept thinking about how interesting the shapes were. All the different circles. Also I keep thinking that I must draw something that is NOT brown! But I just love this sepia pen so much.

    Cheers everyone

  8. Hi Andrea,

    I have to use this quip before anyone else does. That's a great plug for your blog!

    David aka aussiejourno
    (Remember to keep monitoring Aussiejourno's Weekly Blog Awards)

  9. Te he!

    David - I'd have used that if I'd thought of it!! Cheers!

  10. Nice way to accomplish this challenge. I'm all for details.

  11. My first thought has already been expressed here -- but, I'll say it too--I would've never thought to draw a PLUG and to make it beautiful is something only you could do!!! It's AMAZING!!!

  12. Wow, never thought a plughole could be so captivating ...beautiful!

  13. Cheers guys!

    Nice to see you back Suzanne.

  14. You are so patient and neat in your pictures. And finding shapes and patterns in such simple things!
    My bathroom plug is working overtime because we have to use bathwater to water our potplants. Because of the drought we are not allowed to use hoses or open outdoor taps. Very strange times.

  15. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Nice view! Sometimes the details are better than the whole. No pun intended.

  16. Wonderful sketch- but Where are all the chunks of yuk that no one can be bothered to squash through the plug hole?

  17. Thanks guys

    Wendy - we also have hose-pipe bans here in the Uk - where it rains about 95% of the time! certainly strange times!

    Alison - I don't really have those 'chunks' on my sink but I did consider drawing the bits of scummy stuff that gathers around the rim - but it made me feel a bit ill so I didn't bother!

