
Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm walking down your street again

Right, once again, it's been too long since I last posted here. So, here's a mega post. I won't bore you with words. I'll just show you in drawings and photos some of the things I've been doing (drawing) in the gaps between posts.
I've been drawing in bars
and in antique showrooms
drawing bikes in galleries
and bodies in museums,
drawing the guy at the bar of the brasserie
and the girl at the café,
the chip van
and at lunch with my niece
at the cricket with friends
more bones at another museum
whilst working at the gallery
at another bar
on the high street
at a transport museum
and another bike
at another pub
with a sharply dressed man
at a bus station
at a flea market
and at another museum.
Which all tells me that I like old things and spend a lot of time eating out in bars and cafes. Yep, I think that pretty much sums it up.

Have you signed up to Sketchbook Skool yet? The course I teach on starts today. You too may end up drawing your life too if you do. Enrol on 'Seeing' HERE.


  1. So a Bingo Dabber is a real thing! I thought it was just one of your own funny word-things!(I need to get out more...)

  2. Love everything about Sketchbook Skool :)
    I'm in all the courses from the start.
    Thank you again for being an inspiration and sharing your art.

  3. Wonderful sketches, diary of where you've been.

  4. Oh heavenly sketchbook!
