
Thursday, November 20, 2014

forgive me

I can only apologise, profusely, for what I'm about to do. I hate myself for doing it, but I am about to mention the C-word. 
Yes, as soon as you know, Christmas will be upon us. Well, for once, I've been thinking ahead and I've put this bumper pack of AJ goodies together just in time. This includes my book, 3 zines, bag, badges, postcards, greetings cards & stickers.
You can get your little mits on it HERE.
Sorry, again.


  1. Don't be sorry for advertising your work, especially one that's its doné with so much care and quality. Keep doing the good work! :-)

  2. Hi Andrea, I LOVE this idea of having a sketching group! I'd love to set up one in my home state of Vermont! How does this work? Do you charge for the event or does everyone just show up and sketch? How does it work best for your group?

  3. Thank you so much Priscilla, that is a good way to look at it. Thanks.

    Gretchin, no, you don't pay anything. We often travel, maybe an hour, to the meet-up, so travel is enough expense - and coffee and lunch. We just meet once a month at different venues in Yorkshire and Derbyshire. A couple of us will look into good places to draw and we always have a back up indoor venue - as it rains a LOT around here. You may need to tell, in advance, the indoor venue that you intend to be there at a certain time and date. But we do that because our group is about 20 strong. We've drawn in pubs, museums, coffee shops, churches, parks, etc, etc. The list goes on.

    It's one of the best things I've ever done. I couldn't recommend it more. You can start with just two or three of you. You often get new recruits when you are out drawing. Or do some Googling you may find one already in your area. Check out the Urban Sketchers blog to see if there is anything going on in Vermont. You may be surprised.

    Cheers, ladies.

    1. Oh how wonderful!! Thank you so much for the details! I'm definitely going to set one up if there isn't one already!
