
Monday, April 21, 2014

the ladies of the bench

You know when a project takes over your life? Yeah? Well, that's exactly what has happened here.
Here's an update on the Books About Town / Wild In Art book bench project that I am working on. Last time, I posted about it, I had just received this giant open book that has now become part of the furniture in my living room.
Stage 1 was to prime the bench. I wanted a clean white background for my drawing - so a friend came around to help with that. That friend was not Dexter, despite it looking that way from the photo above. We just got over enthusiastic with the dust sheets.
That was the easy bit. Stage 2 is to transfer my drawings, which I originally made on A4 paper (20 x 30cm ish) onto the bench. It's not just enlarging the drawing, to such a scale, that's difficult. No. It's that the bench is not a flat piece of paper. Working the drawing around all the curves is tricky. But, I've started.
And, I did so whilst watching back to back Columbo over this Easter weekend.
Many people have said that this must be a daunting task. People often talk about the fear of drawing in a new sketchbook. The fear of the blank page. And, this is such a large blank page. But, I've never had the issue. In fact, I'm quite the opposite I love starting a new sketchbook with all the possibilities that brings. Procrastination is my issue.
So, I'm pleased that I've got going, whilst being watched over, and inspired by, my ladies over the bench; the Lady of Shalott; my teenage self; and, of course, Sue Townsend whose recent death has made choosing her Adrian Mole book as my theme for the bench even more poignant.
It also fills me with pride to be honoured to pay tribute to her, and Adrian, in this way.
You can read about how I got involved in this project HERE. I'll see you soon with some drawings, I hope. Although this has taken over my life. And my living room.although


  1. I can't wait to see the end result.

  2. Wow, what an amazing project to be involved in, looks like a lot of work! And I have also been kept company by Columbo of late, while decorating my craft room!

  3. Wow, what an amazing project to be involved in, looks like it is a lot of work! I've also been kept company by Columbo of late, while decorating my craft room!

  4. Looks like you've made a really good start, looking forward to watching it progress! What are you using to draw your design onto the bench?

  5. Thanks, guys.

    Claire, I'm using some marker pens but I have a feeling I'm going to have to get the paints out because the pens do not like the bench surface at all. I'm going through loads of them.

    Emma, I LOVE that man!


  6. Thanks for replying! It's a huge project, I can see how you're getting through so many pens!

  7. Thanks for replying! It's a huge project, I can see how you're getting through so many pens!
