
Friday, November 30, 2012

you've come a long way baby

When I began my first travel themed journal I filled it with the souvenirs I'd brought from my trips. Because back then I would never draw in front of people, and so I could draw the souvenirs from the privacy of my own home. In fact, when I made my second little zine I wrote inside "I am a reluctant public sketcher. Actually, that is a big fat understatement. The thought of drawing in public fills me with horror". That was about three years ago.

 And, here I am today. drawing on planes, and in airports, cafes, parks and streets. I made the sketches, above, on the way back from France. I was sat with a really nice French guy who watched me draw through the whole flight. He commented on my sketches and even suggested the passengers who I should draw. The guy who is asleep in the middle of the page was looking over my shoulder at what I was doing (when he'd woken up, obviously!) and the flight attendant came over to take a look. I didn't mind. At all.

 I don't know what has changed in a relatively short space of time. I'm certain it's not one thing. Sure, my confidence has grown and I worry less that people will think my work is rubbish. When I reflect on how far I've come it inspires me to keep on going. And, to keep pushing myself in directions that I never thought I'd go. Roads I never thought I'd travel down. Learning as much as I can to become the best illustrator that I can be. 'Cos, I love drawing. It's as simple as that really; I just love drawing.


  1. Yay, Andrea! I'm so glad!

  2. I guess it's not only a matter of confidence, but also of letting your art and your love for it grow in a way that you can't help drawing no matter where you are. Makes me think of how different those drawings may be if those people hadn't been involved in the process.

  3. I guess it's not only a matter of confidence, but also of letting your art and your love for it grow in a way that you can't help drawing no matter where you are. Makes me think of how different those drawings may be if those people hadn't been involved in the process.

  4. Melissa1:15 AM

    Good for you for being so brave and forging ahead even when it wasn't comfortable!

  5. Congratulations Andrea!
    What a sense of freedom,no?
    Fantastic portraits you've got.

  6. Lovely sketches.

    I think groups like Urban Sketchers and participating in SketchCrawls has helped my confidence for drawing in public.

  7. wow. well done, love the drawings. I'm still horrified of drawing in public but perhaps one day ...

  8. Hi Andrea! My name is Jenea and I am Sketch Illustrator too! I really like your greats and funny sketches, BUT MORE i APPRECIATE YOUR ENTHUSIASM!!! It's very important to work with big pleasure! Sincerely to say, sometimes I am worry about people who saw that I draw him, but i think it is no big problem - because with time this fear will pass!

  9. Wow, your sketches are fantastic- I can't wait to have that kind of confidence (both in terms of drawing style and public sketching!). Your travel journal is just amazing!

    ( if you have any tips on my sketches-I'd be incredibly greatful!)

  10. Your story about drawing in public is inspirational. Everyone who is a reluctant public "draw-er" should read your comments and take heart.

  11. love it. good work

    i think you'd like my artwork...

  12. Wish I had your confidence to pack a page so full of sketches as you do. Great blog!

  13. such lovely and lively

  14. such lovely and lively

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Great blog and wonderfull drawings. I do not have the patience I see in your drawings. I wrote about drawing in public on my blog two years ago.

  16. Andrea-it is so cool to see how this shyness has dissipated. I still feel comfortable drawing in public, but when someone is next to me watching...and making suggestions...I tend to freeze up. I've got to give you props for that!

  17. Just found your blog and hope to see more great stuff from you this year!

  18. I am greatly touched by your arts.

  19. Thank you so much, everyone. And, sorry for dropping off the face of the earth with such little notice. I appreciate your visits more than you know.

  20. You're an inspiration to me, too. Having seen how your style has evolved over the last 5(?) years of following your blog, I've also been inspired in a way I hadn't really encountered before. Previously, I'd see great artists and forget that they had to work and practise to get there. When I started following your blog, I was blown away by your work and yet, each piece seemed to get better and better (and they still do!). I love the new free-ness in your drawings. Seeing your work inspires me to draw. Thank you for that.
