A couple of drawings from the last two Dr Sketchy Sheffield events here. Above is the lovely Ieva modelling at the Greystone's pub, Sheffield. My fellow sketchy mates and I discussed this pose on our drive home that night, and all agreed it was definitely the most difficult of the evening. I was, however, pleasantly surprised when I got back and looked at this drawing. I'm just not so sure now I see it on screen.
So onto Tom, who I believe, was out first male model. This was at the Dr.Sketchy/Tramlines festival. When he first got into this position I wasn't confident about being able to make him look, um, human even. But, the best thing, I find, is to stop listening to those voices in your head and not even attempt to make a 'good' drawing. It's at that point you can relax and just play with your pens.
And, just in case you don't believe I drew this (not that there's any reason you shouldn't!) here I am in action. My drawings were also used to advertise this event, as you can see below and here.

Great sketches. Tom certainly looks human and I love how you have captured the top pose.
Thanks, Sue.
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