
Thursday, May 24, 2012

i'm glad i spent it with you

Another little sketch, in my mini Moleskine, from last Saturday's sketchcrawl in Buxton. While most of the sensible sketchers sat in he warm botanical garden drawing I, like a fool, stood outside and drew this ice cream van. It was such a cold day and drawing an ice cream van just made me feel even more chilly. At least, I guess, Diane our visiting sketcher from Australia got the full Sketchcrawl North experience. Brrrrrr.

This sketch is okay, I suppose. I tackled one of those subjects that I find quite intimidating; vehicles. It's nothing special. If you'd like to see some REALLY good drawings from the day then hop on over to Lynne Chapman's blog. She is the dog's bollocks. And, to those not familiar with that term, who may think I've just been very insulting, it means quite the opposite. Perhaps, to avoid any confusion, I should have just said she's great. Anyway, go and have a look for yourself HERE.


  1. Now that's an expression I haven't heard in a while :P

    I think your van has come out very well. It's actually made me a bit homesick.

  2. Thanks Sue, it's great saying though isn't it? or is that just me?!

    Cheers, my dear.

  3. Love the ice cream van. Wish there was one here for it's much to warm... cheers, ankya
