
Saturday, May 05, 2012

close my eyes and drift away

Here's another little spread from last Sunday's sketchcrawl in Sheffield. The weather was a bit on the wild side so we ended up drawing in a couple of pubs. A perfect way to spend a wet and windy Sunday afternoon.

I can't quite decide whether to add some colour to this. The Delerium Tremens sign was purple with a pink elephant which could work. But you never know.

This drawing was made in the little mini Moleskine sketchbook. This book had sat unused, on my shelves, for at least a couple of years. I never thought I'd like using it. I thought it was too small. But it's really grown on me. And whilst I always take the larger sketchbook with me, on my travels, I love having the option of this little one too. It's just really cute.

If you are interested you can take a peak at the drawings I've made in this book so far HERE.


  1. It looks like the baby elephant is standing there all cold and naked ... asking to pleease put me on some pink pajama's. btw you also might want to give the plant a touch of green so all the elements that are alive in the pictures have a bit of color.

  2. i truly enjoy your style of sketching, this is a wonderful piece.

    i also have begun using my mini moleskine journal and love it too. I also thought it would be too small, surprise.... !

  3. Thank you, guys.

    I know that little elephant will get coloured in. i can feel it in my bones! Cheers.
