
Monday, August 08, 2011

we took the town to town last night

For the first four years of blogging I was mainly a recluse. Which meant I had a lot of time to draw. But, the last six months have been a lot more hectic on the social front. So, no longer am I just juggling work and drawing, but also trying to fit in invitations to sophisticated soirees like this one.

Click on drawing to view.


  1. i love it! i love all the details, and who would want to pass on the chance to hear someone singing the hits of Celine Dion?! i mean, i ask you.

    as for the treats being served, i was startled to see that you'd be serving balaclavas! i would have thought baklava would be more appropriate ;)

    i was just going to say, what time shall i arrive? but then i realized i'd already missed it, darn. how was it? i'll bet great fun was had by all.

    i'm thinking i may be forced to have a party after all for my upcoming 65th birthday, just so i could have you do the invites. who wouldn't come just for that? lol

    fantastic pic, i love it!

  2. Wonderful, Love it.

  3. just found your blog via Blue Bird Hill. love, love, LOVE your work! I love the freedom in your "sketches", I love the addition of words (I've been really drawn to that lately), and love the addition of humor and a sense of not taking yourself too seiously. I also really love that you're looking at the art of drawing as a practice; challenging yourself, stepping outside your comfort zone. Keep going!! I love it.

  4. you are really amazing!!!

  5. WOW! This is so cool!!! Your sketching is superb! and a bit of humour is very appropriate!! Brilliant work!

  6. Thanks, guys, this was lots and lots of fun to do.

    Mo, yes, indeed, the meal was followed by baclava. But, Miss george Amelia Arthurs (who also doubled up as the entertainment) cannot get her mouth around that!

    Welcome, Jeanne, and all the other new folk here. I appreciate you visiting and taking them time to comment.

    Cheers, my dears.

  7. I wish I had a printed copy of it!

  8. Terrific. I continue to be amazed at the amount of detail and organization that comes out in your "sketches."

  9. Well getting out and not being a total recluse is a good thing. Hopefully it will all balance out for a fuller life even if there is a bit less drawing. Maybe you'll just be finding new material such as this spread.

  10. really like this one. if i had a restaurant, i would hire you as my menu artist :)
