
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

tonight the streets are ours

It's really rubbish when your holiday ends, isn't it?

Here are some of the sketchbook spreads that I made on my recent stay cation. I'm enjoying drawing, in this way, so much at the moment. I was never really interested in journalling before, but I am now hooked. It has surprised me.

I was also surprised by how willing my visitors have been about adding their little drawings to my book. I though they'd put up a fight when I asked them to contribute. But no.

Oh, I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

climb onto your seahorse

Spot the difference.

I'm still not sure if my extra work on this drawing improved it but I like it all the same. These are my favourite kind of drawings. Getting lost in all the little jewels and treasure. I could have filled the whole page. But, even up to this point, it must have taken over twenty hours. And, I've got other jewels and treasures to find.

This drawing is now for sale on Etsy HERE.

Friday, August 12, 2011

you've found some better place

Well, I guess like most of this country, I feel in shock right now. I'm not even sure how to express that anger, and the sadness, so I'll just keep on drawing.

It's all about the black pen at the moment. I'm finding it difficult to put it down.

This is another drawing from the graphic novel idea I have. The rest of the drawings from that book can be seen HERE. Anyone like to take a guess on what it's about?

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

turns the flicker to a flame

There is less than a week of my exhibition left, folks. If you are in the area (a long shot, I know) then GO SEE IT!

I feel a little sad that it will be ending, but so happy that I have had my first solo exhibition. It has been nothing but a positive experience, and the response has been amazing. I was there last Friday, doing a 'Meet the Artist' afternoon. While there I got the chance to do a bit of sketching at the Gallery. I'm getting a bit braver about doing that kind of thing these days. It seemed fitting to sketch one of the display cabinets that I'd set up at the exhibition. They are filled, to the brim, with the things that I have drawn over the years - and will continue to draw in the future. Amongst all the bits and pieces I have planted some of my Moleskine sketchbooks. Unfortunately, they can only be open on one page each! These are the ones in this cabinet;

Pens drawn in a Moleskine Diary.

Buttons from my sepia themed Moleskine

And a drawing about the rain, or trying to keep out of the rain, from my Spare Moleskine.

So, if you do happen to be in the area, please pop into the Buxton Museum and Gallery and check out my exhibition.

Monday, August 08, 2011

we took the town to town last night

For the first four years of blogging I was mainly a recluse. Which meant I had a lot of time to draw. But, the last six months have been a lot more hectic on the social front. So, no longer am I just juggling work and drawing, but also trying to fit in invitations to sophisticated soirees like this one.

Click on drawing to view.

Monday, August 01, 2011

it could be

I don't know about you other creative types, but sometimes I have no idea where drawings come from. There are clues and there are all of those things that have been stored away in that long term memory box marked 'for future use'. But, then there are other drawings where you can recall every little road, and side street, you walked down to get to it. This is one of them. This is the story of where this drawing came from;

1970s films - I love a good old 70s film. I don't care what they are about. I'll just watch them for the styling; the clothes, the homes, the decor, the design of the day. As long as they are drenched in corduroy, big flowery prints and bri-nylon I'm happy. I've actually sat through about three series of Man About the House (British 70s sitcom) just to get a better glimpse of the three prints they had on their kitchen wall (one was a green pepper). The other evening I watched a film from the 70s, in which the main character had her own advertising agency. In the background I caught a glimpse of some seed packets that the agency had designed. I immediately felt inspired.

Classic French typography - I love those classic French style fonts; from Bistro signs to wine bottles. I've been doing a bit of research for an invitation I am designing, for an upcoming dinner party, and I've gone down the French route. I ADORE the Metropolitan typography and have been practicing it.

Art Nouveau - I've also been researching (Googling) a lot of Art Nouveau stuff recently. Just for my own amusement. I love everything about it from the architecture, art and, again, the typography.

1960s and 70s recipe books - I've written about my love of these books before. It's the first thing I look for in a charity shop. In fact, I go in charity shops to look for them specifically. I have a rather lovely collection. They are always bought for the drawings although sometimes I'll dig them out for a mung bean and brown rice salad recipe.

Sweetcorn - one of my all time favourite veg. I bought this corn on the cob the other day. As I was choosing it I was thinking about how pretty it was.

So, there's the story of a drawing. And, the story of my life over the last few days.