
Sunday, June 19, 2011

why don't you come over to my house?

This is the first time in ages that I have not had some kind of deadline looming on the horizon. And, after the stress of some of those deadlines I cannot believe I'm actually going to complain about that - but I am. I'm suddenly feeling so restless. I want something to work toward. Some project. I don't know what sort of project but I'll figure it out. I'll make something happen.

In the meantime, here's a new drawing. A few months ago my coin purse fell apart and I temporarily replaced it with an old purse that had belonged to my niece - when she was about five. It was ridiculously childish purse for 'a lady of a certain age' so, I decided I must replace it and went out to buy a new one. And, yep, you've guessed it; I came home with this much more grown up cloth owl.

This little guy is available for sale (the original drawing, not the purse) HERE.


  1. and such a lovely purse too.

  2. But a woman would need two of these before I could tell her "Nice hooters".

  3. Ha! I'm in the same place... an itch that needs more than a scratch. I feel a cuppa coming on!x

  4. Thank you, folks!

    Yes, an itch that needs scratching. That's exactly what it feels like.

  5. Your owl is absolutely gorgeous Andrea! I had to examine it in larger size and I'm going to be staring at it for ages ... love it.

  6. Thanks, Mariana, yours is pretty damn good too!
