
Friday, October 08, 2010

stick with me

A little request here, folks. I know how generous you have been in the past with this kind of thing. I wonder if there is anyone who has Moo stickers of their own work? If so, would you like to swap a page (6) of those stickers with me, for mine? I'd like to use them in one of my Moleskines. Please leave a comment if you would, and we can sort out the swap from there.

Also, a word on my Moo stuff. You know I'm a Moo designer, right? Well, I'm hoping to have an overhaul of all the drawings I currently have available on Moo. As soon as time permits. It's about time too. I'll be getting rid of some of them for good, so if you ever wanted cards, stickers, etc, with these drawings on then get them now. HERE.

Check out my Moo Flickr set. I love this set the best of all. You can see my Moo cards on vacation in all sorts of glamorous places including Paris, Italy, Hawaii and um, er, Lincolnshire. See them HERE (best viewed as a slideshow).

Cheers, my dears.


  1. Hi there! I've got a set of stickers - I'd love to swap if I may?
    love your sketchblog, I think your work is beautiful!
    love April


  2. I'm up for the swap....maybe it will get me to work on that traveling moleskine too :)

  3. I don't have anything to swap with you but I just had to say that I love your Moo flickr set, esp. the Converse trainer walking home! Great stuff! As to glamour, I'm from Lincolnshire and we have our just have to look reeeeeeeeeeeally hard for it!

  4. sarita3:02 PM

    Hi Andrea, I don't have any Moos', but if you want to send me one of yours, I'll take a 'traveling' picture of it for you...;) I live in Oregon, USA...beautiful place. I'm sure I could find some really unique photo ops for it. Just saying is all...sarita

  5. I would love to do a swap with you!

  6. Thanks, folks.

    April, your Moos stickers are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you.

    Suzanne and Andrea, YES. Yes please.

    Caroline, I know, I know. My favourite place in Lincolnshire is, without a doubt, Cheerio My Ducks on the A47. Or is it the A17. Whichever, it's really something.

    Sarita, I'd love that.

    Cheers, my dears.

  7. I have some stickers though there are three stickers each of two designs on each page, not six... so not sure if you would prefer to have six different designs?!! I won't be hurt if you want more designs! Will be posting a pic of them on my own blog tomorrow morning (haven't got time now).
    Your work continues to inspire Andrea, I love reading your posts and really look forward to seeing the completed Jane Austen pics!
