
Sunday, January 18, 2009

tell me why

The leaning tower of cat bowls.
How can a cat have so many possessions? Twelve cat bowls. Twelve. Seriously.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    i love this... brilliant work as usual... gorgeous detail... but also the post was funny. keep up the amazing work. always an inspiration :O)

  2. Love your work as always. Hope the move goes OK.

    I have a vague recollection that you had a post about pencil sharpeners a while back?

    Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that Lidl's manual old school type pencil sharpener is coming into stock this week for about 3 quid. I love mine and use it with my karisma pencils and it works brilliantly.
    Of course if it wasn't you that had a post about sharpeners, you're probably thinking I am crazy, but never mind! :-))

  3. I laughed the second I saw this one!! I thought I was bad with my cat having six bowls--hehehe! I just love anything to draw!! :):)

  4. Brilliant drawing. I'm totally with you on the birth lottery (although, last year I really did think I had lost! But that was just a bad year). I hope the move isn't too stressful for you.
    Pips x

  5. I agree 100% - any of us who have a computer to blog on-- and the time and comfort to make art --truly won the lottery when it comes to place and time of birth!- I count my blessings every day - and your cat better appreciate the fine fortunate family it lives with!!!

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Very true. The trouble is, you can't afford to think about it too much or you'd just go bonkers with guilt. I suppose our responsibility is just to appreciate what we've got.

    My cat has 4 - my excuse is that it means no washing up for my neighbour when she looks after him while I'm away. Although that might just be a cover for laziness. :)

    Did you deliberately put that one on the top? It looks like there's a little cartoon cat peeping out smugly at the top.

    I'm dreading moving - I thought it was bad last time but this time I've got FURNITURE. Aaaargh....

  7. Oh - I hate moving!!!! But you DO get to sort through all your stuff! I laughed at your kitty having twelve bowls! If my four had twelve bowls each, we'd have a pile as high as the door!!! Love your rendering as always.

  8. Wow! I love your work, it is great, how do you do that?

    Homer (our cat) is ancient in cat years, and yet I can't recall him ever having a new cat bowl, yet yours has 10! Love to see more work!

  9. Sorry about the top one, I ment 12 cat bowls not 10.

  10. Touching and sensitive words and pen lines.

  11. I appreciate your work and I appreciate the things you comment on. I don't feel so silly for collecting tags, buttons, PENS, etc.... I've always thought I was an odd person you've been helping me to feel more normal!! Your work touches me :-)

  12. I love your drawing. the composition is great! hope the move is going well.

  13. Love the drawing - I do the same thing with mine. I recognise some of them too!

  14. My kitty, Bucky and I enjoyed this drawing very much!

  15. Gosh this is perfect. How we come to accumulate a bunch of cat bowls is a mystery but it makes for some amazing drawing material -- with your talent, of course!

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    This is sooo adorable. And now I have to go count how many cat bowls my one cat has.

  17. Anonymous9:28 PM

    very fun. I really love your pencil work. So smooth and flawless.

  18. You're so clever at making ordinary things look amazing!x

  19. The topmost bowl is my favorite...

  20. Thanks, chaps and chapettes.

    I have pulled the original text, I wrote it late at night and it sounded a bit mad. So, for those of you who might wonder what everyone is talking about it was along the lines of what is the world coming to when a cat has twelve bowls?!

    Thank you, Doda, I shall try and get a hold of one of those. As soon as I can bring myself to go into Lidl!!!

    Rachel, I did intend to put that one at the top, but mainly becuase of the shape. This is going to sound really really nauseating, but I got her that one as a present from Disneyland. I know I know I know. Oh Lordy.

    Cheers, everyone. I thought twice about posting this one. I'm glad I did now.

  21. Oh! Fun cat bowls! Fantastic drawing, it's sweet and fun and wonderfully balanced!

  22. Really? That is hilarious! But makes for a fun drawing.

  23. That Flo is one lucky cat! Flo rocks and so does your drawing!

  24. Hi Andrea,
    I appreciate yoru visit to my painted cats blog and the nice encouraging comments! Your artwork always amazes me and this post in particular makes me chuckle. I have found myself nearly purchasing additional, unneeded bowls for my cat based solely on their cuteness factor. thankfully I have mostly resisted. Looking forward to more of your work!
