
Thursday, January 29, 2009

come on let's go

A few people have enquired recently about our MoleyX project, as things have been rather quiet for a little while. I, myself, have been really slack. I now have two little Moleys here, on the kitchen table (don't worry, I don't eat or drink at the kitchen table, there's no room to do anything like that). I'm embarrassed to say that I've had Gabi's Moley since I made this drawing back in November. That's it, there on the top of the pile. I am going to get down to some work on it. I am. Really, I am.

I'll also be posting some photos from France's Moley, which arrived at my house this morning. It is both beautiful and intimidating at the same time.

So check out the MoleyX12 blog over the next few days to see some fabulous new work. I just can't tell you how gorgeous these books are.

Friday, January 23, 2009

perfect weather to fly

I've been meaning to draw this view for so long. Well, ever since I saw that there was an Everyday Matters challenge called 'draw the view from a window of your house'. It seems an appropriate time to finally get around to it. Before the reassuring view of Jo and Nick's house is no longer part of my everyday life.

Everyday Matters #18, the view from my window. See the rest of my Everyday Matters set HERE.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

tell me why

The leaning tower of cat bowls.
How can a cat have so many possessions? Twelve cat bowls. Twelve. Seriously.

Friday, January 16, 2009

trying to find my way home

Six pairs of socks on a radiator.

Soon I will be leaving my home of eight years. I've been trying to get stuff sorted out. Washing and packing things that I won't need or use until I find my new home. This kind of readjustment is difficult for everyone to deal with, I know. For a sensitive artistic type it's nervous breakdown material. I'm hoping that the turmoil will provide fuel for drawing. Instead of being a distraction.

Yesterday I washed all my socks. Turns out I have over thirty pairs. How? Why? Because, I only ever where the stripey blue, the plain brown or the stripey brown ones. I don't think I've ever worn one of these six. Ever. Now that's obscene.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

at the top is...

'Exercise Book' print available HERE.

So, in my last post I said that I was going to draw, but unfortunately that has not happened. Life has got a little crazy and got in the way of art. I suppose it gives me another chance to plug my wares. Sorry.
I also wanted to say a big THANKS for the response to my giveaway (see last post). I've never been so popular! And, of course, to announce the winner. Drum roll please; the winner is Karen Blados. I can't tell you how excited I am about sending this to Karen. She was one of the first drawing bloggers that I came across and is a real inspiration. I'm sure that most of you know her work, but in case you don't pop on over to her blog. You'll be impressed.
Also, I was so overwhelmed by the response that I decided to give one of my prints, above, as a second place prize. That went to Jeanne Grant. Thanks, folks.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

in my mind i still need a place to go

I've been doing a bit of enforced decluttering recently. I was throwing out my 2008 Moleskine diary when I remembered the drawing (above) was in the back. So I thought I'd do a little giveaway thingamajig, as I haven't done one for ages. So, if you'd like to get your hands on this unusual piece (basically, an empty Moleskine with nothing but this drawing inside) just leave a comment and, in a few days, I'll do that Randomiser thing to choose a winner - that's if I can work out how to do it. Failing that, I'll put all your names in a hat and pick one out. Much more my style.

Happy 2009, lovely peeps.