
Sunday, March 23, 2008

along for the ride

Just a couple of driving drawings. Obviously, I wasn't drawing whilst driving. That would just be dangerous. Although, it would be quite a skill. The car is a good place to draw for the shy. I absolutely cannot draw out in public, so the car is the closest I get to drawing outdoors. I have tried drawing al fresco and I hated it. I am just too uncomfortable with it. I am British, after all. I'm far too self conscious. And a recluse. Hey, we all have our own neurosis.


  1. I think I must be your opposite in this regard, as I'm a British exhibitionist myself.

  2. This is a great view!
    I never pictured you shy!

  3. Hooray! More! More!!

  4. Love that touch of red!

  5. These are fun - I think there should be more!

  6. I love the vignettes and the views in the side mirrors.

  7. I love the mirror ones, how cool.

  8. Andrea, I am the same way! I have always felt terribly self conscious drawing in public and it is no fun. So I do the same thing, drive somewhere and draw from my car. Nice to know I am not the only one. =) I absolutely love your artwork and am inspired every time I come and look.

  9. Plus, in the car is warmer! Take it from me, who's just spent a week drawing in Parisian streets, and who has an awful cold to show for it, warm is good! Andrea, your work is so unique and compelling.

  10. love your attention to detail!

  11. Wow! These are great - love the mirror drawings! I enjoy your work and just added your link to my blog. Feel free to stop by and visit sometime.

  12. I feel the same way drawing in public. You mean I can blame it on my English ancestors?

    I'm slowly getting better though. I'm much better about it when I'm not in our own little town.

  13. Love the drawings, especially the rear-view mirrors. And being a bit of a recluse myself, I understand!

  14. Fabulous to see these pictures! You have a lot of range. The mirror pics are particularly cool.

  15. Thank you all, folks.

    Your kind comments always encourage me. I'm glad to know that there are others who are just as self-concious! It's always a relief to know you're not the only one.

    Cheers everyone.

  16. Ever noticed the lack of 'al fresco' drawings of mine? FAR too self-conscious to draw in public too ... but in a car? Now, that's a brilliant idea, almost as brilliant as your sketches! Love the creativity in your ideas for layouts and those side-view mirror reflections :)

  17. Wonderful, again - I always love your rolling hills.

  18. I love your handwriting so much. I want it!
    I'm the same with drawing outside. And if there's no-one to look over your shoulder at your work, it's still too cold or too windy!

  19. Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your blog, especially the REAR view. Excellent!

  20. I love mirror drawings ... and yours are no exception!

    Glad the cards got to you... ;)

  21. I particularly like your outdoor pictures - great ideas and technique - well, you do have patience.

  22. These are so beautiful, especially the little colored vignettes. You have such a wonderful style.

  23. Such cute car drawings! Maybe one day, Andrea, you can go out in the hills, when it's warm and sunny, take a blanket, lie down, or sit, and draw a nice landscape. There wouldn't be another person for miles around, and you might just enjoy it! I know it would be a fabulous drawing, like these!! What you could do outside if you spent an afternoon at it would just blow us all away!!!

  24. This blog has really lifted my spirits. I come from Hope in Derbyshire (you proably know it) but I live in London, and am doing my finals for my degree. It's so nice to be reminded of home when I'm so far away in a big smelly city.
