
Friday, March 28, 2008

jet set sigh

Just thought I'd tell you about a new, and exciting, project I'm involved in. I was honoured to be asked by Miguel Herranz to join the Moleskine Exchange group (also known as MoleyX). The idea is that a group of artists each purchase a little Japanese Moleskine, draw on a couple of pages and send it on. The next participant will then add a bit more before passing it on. This keeps on going until the books are full of lovely drawings.
Anyway, for a better explanation (!) and to keep track of the adventures of our little Moleys, as they jet around the world, check out the new blog HERE. Oh yeah, you can also see the list of artists taking part. At which point you will be able to fully understand why I'm so intimidated! Sigh.

Monday, March 24, 2008

back in the black

A few weeks back I was listening to my MP3 player on a long drive home. One particular track, which I've listened to a hundred times or more, was playing and this drawing just popped up in my head. Just like that. This exact drawing. From nowhere. I love it when that happens. It feels like a real gift.

There is, of course, always a downside and ever since then it has been niggling away at me. Saying 'draw me, draw me', 'you can't keep ignoring me' and 'I will continue to annoy you until you draw me'. I had been trying to avoid it. I knew there were just too many complicated little details. And I knew that there was to be a black background which would take a lifetime. Finally, I decided to commit it to paper. So, this is what I did over Easter.

The question is can you name that tune?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

along for the ride

Just a couple of driving drawings. Obviously, I wasn't drawing whilst driving. That would just be dangerous. Although, it would be quite a skill. The car is a good place to draw for the shy. I absolutely cannot draw out in public, so the car is the closest I get to drawing outdoors. I have tried drawing al fresco and I hated it. I am just too uncomfortable with it. I am British, after all. I'm far too self conscious. And a recluse. Hey, we all have our own neurosis.

Friday, March 21, 2008

caught in a moment

The major mistake with this drawing is that I drew the boot whilst it was unzipped and unworn. I should have put it on, zipped it up and then drawn it. That, of course, would have shown a more shapely ankle. I mean, ladies, imagine in a gust of wind your bustle rose to reveal an unshapely ankle. Oh, the embarrassment. You'd be mortified, right?

Imagine how this poor lady feels, a shapely ankle is the least of her worries. Click HERE for a glimpse of something a little cheeky.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

stuck on you

How come whenever you really need a plaster there are only these ones left in the box?
Plasters in ink. Go on then, I'll throw in a cat hair. Free of charge.
(Click on image to view)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

the line it is drawn

There is not a great deal of drawing going on at the moment. I'm still wiped out after the last one. And still no colour. I do, however, have a pile of half finished drawings that seems to be growing all the time. Thought I'd finish one today. This one.

Everyday Matters #17, draw a musical instrument.

Monday, March 10, 2008

i will pin and mount you like a butterfly

(Click on image to view)
Now, I've often said 'this is the longest drawing I've ever done' but, hey, this time I really mean it. I had wanted to do a colour piece, I felt my blog could do a with a little burst of colour, as the last few drawings have all been in this pen. So I started a colour drawing over the weekend. I was unsure of the it right from the off. I worked on it for a couple of days and really disliked the result, so I went back to a subject that I know and love.

It may well look familiar. I've done a couple of versions of this theme in the past. But this one took the longest by some way. I'm guessing over the last few weeks approximately 30 hours of work have gone into this drawing. This kind of subject is so fascinating to me. I really enjoy the drawings within a drawing thing. They are so easy to get lost in. I hope you can too.

I also want to say thanks to everyone who was given me and/or my blog awards over the last few weeks. I'm touched by the kind words. Cheers folks.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

piece of crap

Brrrrrrrrr. I've had a stomach bug today. It started last night and had really kicked in by this morning. I did this drawing in between vomiting (sorry, too much information). Which is my excuse for this piece of crap.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

i'm all hung up again

This was a complicated drawing. Drawing the compartments was complicated. Drawing the contents of each compartment was even more complicated. It was nearly as complicated as rocket science. Most definitely as complicated as quantum physics. Yet not as complicated as using my DVD remote control. All in all, it's safe to say, it was quite complicated. And long. Yes, it took a long time. A very long time. It took longer than the longest longboat took to get from Longsville to...erm...Longland. That long.

So, to reiterate; this drawing was complicated. And long.