
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

EDM#95. Draw a holiday card

Now I don't know whether this is a Christmas tradition outside of the UK, but here everybody HAS to have Brussel sprouts with their Christmas dinner, whether you like them or not - it is the law. Most adults and, 99.9% of children, dislike (no HATE) them with a passion, but they still have to have at least one on their plate.

Recently Teri tagged me to choose my 5 favourite Christmas songs. So here they are;
  1. River - Joni Mitchell (maybe not a traditional Christmas song but it's MY favourite, and it does start with Jingle Bells!)
  2. Little Drummer Boy - Bing Crosby & David Bowie (just lovely and such a cute video)
  3. The Fairytale of New York - the Pogues and Kirsty MacColl (a perfect song).
  4. So This is Christmas - John Lennon.
  5. 2000 Miles - the Pretenders.

I'm going to pass the tag on, back over the ocean, to Suzanne. Look forward to seeing her selection.


  1. Found you through Lori Witzel. You draw beautifully. And just what is wrong with brussel sprouts? It is my second favorite veggie, broccoli being the first.

  2. you have a wonderful blog. It also hits a unique niche (I think).
    I could use a drawing of Thunderhoof if you get time.
    (King of the deer)

  3. The evil Brussels sprout! I don't mind them but I have never forced them on my family. It was hard to break away from what is just as traditional at Christmas here in Canada (maybe just with English-generated families like mine).

  4. I LOVE brussel sprouts! But no, they are not a Christmas tradition in Sweden. Love your drawing of it too. In fact, I love ALL your drawings, they are fantastic!

  5. Well, the Brussel certainly strikes a chord and divides opinion! People either love or hate them. I really like them myself, but I can't remember if that was always the case. The 'fear' of the Brussel seems to come from childhood for most. And some are scarred for life!

    Cheers guys! Thanks for the lovely comments and for visiting.

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    You do such beautiful work Andrea - you even make brussels sprouts look good! And, no, they're definitely not a tradition in my American family nor here in France. Maybe they should be though, they're healthy!

  7. Your brussel sprout is beautiful but what an odd tradition.

    Love your song selection. Thank you for being a good sport.

    I am safely in Wisconsin and will not be posting as my DD doesn't have the right equipment but I will be around checking things out. Thanks for the kind words.

  8. in the US we don't have that as a xmas tradition, but it sure sounds like fun. I love brussel sprouts and so do my kids because they're so cute and fun to pop in your mouth...tasty too if they're only lightly steamed. Beautiful drawing too!

  9. They definatley are healthy and Rachel that's how I like them - lightlty steamed.

    Cheers guys!

  10. I once did a puppet play in which a child is made to sit at the table until her plate is cleared - she sits for ages with just one brussel sprout left - then she suddenly just picks it up and tosses it out of the window where a dog eats it - everyone thought it was very funny. We don't have brussel here in Oz for Christmas as the season is wrong - I really miss them. Yours is a very mysterious rendering - beautiful, as usual

  11. Hee hee! A very good story - would make a nice childrens book. I'm surprised hearing about children who like them. I do not know of one who does!

    Cheers Alison.

  12. Anonymous12:03 PM

    In the Independent they asked Giocatelli how he cooked sprouts? He said 'I don't'! Shame really they're great with almonds!
    Love your site. I've just launched which you might find interesting. I'll link to your if you'll link to me as they say!! Any feedback or ideas would be welcome! And you can enjoy a rant!
    re River it's years since I've heard this song and this is the fourth reference to it this week! I must rebuy the album! Have a good Xmas

  13. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Great "chou de Bruxelles" Andrea! I love the fact you chose to draw it sideways.
    Oh, and about the "dancing" of the pen: i totally robbed that expression from Laura (aka Lauralines). I thought it was brilliant.

  14. Very witty card, Andrea. Lovely drawing of the dreaded Brussel Sprout too. I don't mind them now if I cook them myself (lightly) but was among the 99.9 percent of children. My personal worst was sweet potato. Of course now I can't get them, in Italy, I crave them.

  15. Thank you guys,

    A couple of people (on Flickr) have mentioned sprouts with almonds - I can't imagine how that works but I'm sure it does! I quite like this idea for a card I'm going to develop it. Maybe next year I'll get some printed. The drawing isn't as good as it could be, I'd just bought some new watercolour pencils (that I've never used before), don't think I've mastered them quite yet!

    Rowland, I'm going to give your site a visit...


  16. Ah, at last, the dreaded brussel sprout. The person who brought them to our Thanksgiving dinner is as popular as brussel sprouts themselves so it was a perfect combination. Though I have to admit she was on good behavior that night and her recipe was pretty good. I love yours--it's beautifully and lovingly rendered.

  17. Thanks Jana. Now that a really unpopular guest!!
