
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

some things what I did in December

November was a (creative) whirlwind of a month. December has been calmer, but has still had it's moments. I've managed to find opportunities to be creative or share my creativity with others. At the beginning of December I did a local event, a kind of craft fair, I guess. I would never have thought that would have been my thing, but you know, in the future I'll be more open minded. It was a lovely day spent with local creative people (including one of my drawing buddies, Paul Gent), I sold lots of stuff (you can't knock that), I got to make a drawing (above) and there was even a pop-up Swedish café. To be honest, that's what sold it to me. Damn, I've never tasted mushrooms that good. I intend to do more of this kind of thing in 2014.
It was back home to Wales for Christmas. One afternoon my nephew and I went over to Mumbles. The aim was to get ice cream at Verdi's café and ice cream parlour - mid winter is always a good time for ice cream, I find. I've made the same trip the last three times I've been back home and every time it's been closed. It was closed. So we ended up in the arcade on Mumbles Pier where, despite his blatant cheating, I whooped  his ass at table hockey and shooting aliens.

 Later that evening we did some drawing and created a monster.

Today was probably the first day in the whole of December that I've not had anything pressing to do. Well, there's a whole list of things that need doing (sorting my poor broken car out, tax returns, cleaning, etc) but nothing that couldn't wait another day. So, I spent it doing exactly what I wanted to; nothing much. I didn't put any make up on, talk to anyone, go out of the house, hell, I didn't even get out of my pyjamas. Bliss. But I did do some drawing - well, colouring in. Oh, and blogging. Today, I finally blogged some new drawings. Hope you like them.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I heard it in the wind last night

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, folks. My New Year's resolution is to stop neglecting my blog. Have a good one y'all. See you soon.

Monday, December 02, 2013

November November

November was a good month. A good creative month; book launch; book signings; foreign travels; exhibition; collaborations; Dr Sketchy; school visits; Uni visits and all wrapped up with a Sketchcrawl on Saturday. I need more Novembers. But with more sleep.