
Friday, November 29, 2013

i want to do whatever common people do

I've been obsessing over this guy recently. I've always been a fan but, just of late, I've fallen for him in a big way. I don't know why that is. Maybe it's because I've recently spent some of my evenings in a seedy bouchon in France or because I have been designing and illustrating posters for the Dr Sketchy events that I co-run.

I've always been a big fan of poster artwork from the Victorian freak show posters to the drop dead gorgeous Art Nouveau. And, of course, Toulouse Lautrec. This really was art for the people. The working classes. The common folk. Of which I am proud to be one.

Here are some of mine. I can honestly say that I've enjoyed making these above all of the recent work I've made. I hope it shows.

And, now my mind is racing with ideas of creating a Dr Sketchy Sheffield does Toulouse Lautrec event. Now, there's a poster I cannot wait to make.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

late at night when the world is dreaming

In the last couple of weeks I've launched the book, been to France to promote the book (it's been published by a French publisher), organised a Dr Sketchy event, school visits, etc, etc.
So currently everything is a bit, well, you know (see diagram).  I'd like to say a huge thanks to everyone who has ordered my book. I hope you love it. I'm catching up on all the book orders - I've now sent out the majority and by Monday I'll have signed and wrapped and packed and addressed and posted every last order. I'll have a cleared the decks. Unless, of course, you'd like one?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

and finally...

 You know, when I started out drawing I never imagined where that would take me. I was just doing it for the love of drawing. And, then after a while I began to believe that it could become something else, something more, it could be what I want to do with my life. Then things start happening and you get to a level of success. And then, you end up doing all sorts of other stuff that keeps you away from the drawing. That's how I've felt recently.

But then you have to take a step back and take a second to see where the drawing has actually taken you. I don't know if any of that makes sense. I'm tired. But I think I know what I mean.

Signed copies of my book (!), a book about my work (!!), is now available HERE.

Friday, November 01, 2013


Here's a piece  made for one of my favourite sites; Cult Pens. I'm often asked to do link swaps or advertise or review products or sites but never do it. It's not my thing. I only ever mention a product or business if I feel passionate about them. And, Cult Pens I do. They, to me, are the best place to buy pens in the UK. Huge stock of millions of pens. Every pen you could need. Plus, the service is excellent. Pens delivered to your door the next day. Fab.

Anyway, the reason I did this drawing was for the banner of their newsletter and because I'm 'Artist of the Month'. So, there are drawings, an interview and, erm, photo HERE.

Plus, this original drawing is for sale HERE.