
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

i heard it in the wind last night

Recently I've been getting out and about drawing in my local area. Not just sketchcrawling or urban sketching but drawing local people doing their thing. If you love drawing there's no end of subject matter out there. No end of people filling their evenings or spare time with whatever floats their boats - whether that be knitting or skateboarding or singing. I love this kind of drawing and, I find, it's always a bonus when there's music involved.
Here's just a couple of the many sketches I made at the High Peak Orchestra rehearsals.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

you'll have to trust it

A double spread from my latest zine How To Draw Like A Barmpot. These art zines are filled with ideas and info that will, maybe, might get you drawing. From favourite pens to exercises like this one - which I made up, off the top of my head, as I was creating the drawing. I can honestly say that is my favourite favourite things to do. Just letting these ideas reveal themselves to me and unfold on the page in front of my very eyes. It's a bit like magic.

All my zines available HERE.

Now picture yourself in a room......

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

carry it home in a tote sack

 Here are two drawings from the same day and the same place. They are, I think, examples of how a drawing can go either way. I drew them both at a field day and they are of a stall that was a celebration of all things bread. It mapped the story of bread from back in time and from around the world. Very interesting and very tasty.

The top drawing pleases me quite a lot. It's got a touch of the Patrick Caulfield about it (who I absolutely adore). The bottom one is atrocious. Way too much going on and way too overdone.

You win some, you lose some.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

there's a lot to learn for wasting time

For the first time in a long time I haven't had a deadline looming - I cleared them this week. Yes, there's a book launch, an exhibition and two Dr Sketchy's to organise, but I had a free day yesterday not worrying about getting one or another job finished. So, I spent the afternoon doing what I love best; driving, eating and drawing.

I pride myself on knowing where to get the best cakes, sandwiches, breads, chips, etc, in the Peaks. Tearooms are my area of expertise. Rosie's is a fab little tearoom in the lovely Hayfield village and does THE best brownies around. And so it should as it is run by an American lady and her husband. I found this cute little video, about Rosies, whilst searching for their website.

There was also the added bonus of this cutie, below, waiting outside for her owner to finish their tea and cake.

How long are you going to be?
Are we going yet?
Oh, come on.
Thank gawd for that.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

i get my back into my living

A huge thanks for all of the comments and support, in my last post, for my new book. I am very touched. It'll be a whole load of new excitement, as will going to France to publicise it. In all honesty, I'm totally exhausted just thinking about it. But in a good way.

 I seem to be working non stop these days. Burning myself out, not getting enough sleep. But, I don't think there's any other way if I want to make a living and career out of this illustration lark. And, I do. I do everything I do for the love of illustration.

 And, here's another of those things I am doing for the love of it. I've recently taken over the running of Dr Sketchy Sheffield - along with my business partner Hell's Belle (yes, just having a business partner called Hell's Belle is a dream come true). I became a Dr Sketchy addict from the first event I attended, so when the opportunity came up to co-run the gig I couldn't say no.

Again though it's turned out to be more work than I'd anticipated because as soon as one event is over we're planning and promoting the next.

So, that said, if you are in the Sheffield area why not come along to our next event (above) and draw with us? It really is a lot of fun. I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't.

Or check out our Facebook page, to see what we get up to, HERE. You see, never stop working.