
Sunday, January 29, 2012

we're words upon a window written there in steam

Jeepers creepers, the things you do to avoid doing your tax returns, eh? I've actually, finally, updated my children's book blog. I was shocked to see quite how long that project has been put on the back burner, but it was a joy to finally start working on it again. I don't like to blow my own trumpet but I'm rather pleased with this drawing.

There's an explanation for this picture, and another drawing, over on my 'book on a blog' blog! Enter HERE.

Friday, January 27, 2012

i can't be left to my imagination

As mentioned in the previous couple of posts, last week we had a sketching party at Lynne's place. We were all required to take some food for the group to sketch and eat. One of the items I took was this lovely Allotment Antipasti by Alberto Arkwright. I first heard about his range of preserves and antipastos in this advertisement (above) that I saw in The Bugle. I knew I had to try them out and felt that they would be a great contribution to the sketching party. So I popped down to Doris Dishwater's Deli and purchased a couple.

To prove that I'm not making any of this up I took a some photos. Here's one.

For those, who have been waiting with bated breath (and, lets face it, who wouldn't be?) I'll share the recipe for the other treat I took (Eyeball Chutney) shortly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

like a tea tray in the sky

Last Saturday we held our monthly meeting of the Sketchcrawl North group. Well, actually Lynne held it at her house. To keep out of the Sheffield cold and rain we had a sketching tea party. A Mad Hatter's Sketching Tea Party to be precise. There were a few rules. Everyone was to
a) wear a hat
b) bring some interesting crockery
c) make some food for the party.

A great effort was made by everyone. Specifically Lynne's husband, John, who kept us in cups of tea all day. The biscuits below were made by our newest member of the group, 9 year old Josh.

I went the French route with my hat, and took my spotty and stripey tea pots. For food, well, I focused on the word 'Mad'. So, if you'd like my recipes for Eyeball Chutney and Allotment Antipasto I'll be sharing them in my next post.

For now, go check out Lynne's fabulous drawings and photos of this magical day HERE. Can you spot my spotty tea pot? It's never looked so good.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

i just know that something good is gonna happen

Yesterday the Sheffield sketchcrawlers got together for it's monthly sketchathon. This time we did something a little different. Instead of going out and about (well, have you ever tried sketching outdoors in Sheffield in January?) we assembled at Lynne Chapman's gorgeous house for a Mad Hatter's tea drawing party. Much more from the fabulous day in my next post. for now here's a couple of pages from my sketchbook.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

you're here in my head, like the sun coming out

I recently completed a couple of drawings for the Buxton Festival's 2012 brochure. This one is, obviously (well, at least I hope it's obvious), for a production of James and the Giant Peach.

I do believe this is the first time I've actually made a drawing from a subject that is already so famous (I could be completely wrong, I have a rotten memory). I didn't really let that bother me, I just tried to, as every 'judge' of every tv 'talent' show says every five minutes, "make it my own". Yuk.

I can't tell you how much I want to scribble 'James and the Giant Peach' in big scratchy writing in the left hand corner of this one. I suppose now it's scanned.......

Saturday, January 14, 2012

when we got to the top of the hill

This, ahem, 'lovely' ashtray was a present from Rome (who'd have thought it, eh?). In fact I got a big bag of goodies from there. Including one of the more unusual souvenirs anyone has ever brought back from their travels for me; butter. Yes, I did say butter.

Here's a question, a little quiz actually; can you guess the what I used to create this drawing? Yes, obviously paper. And, of course, the trademark ballpoints were used but how many? Do you think anything else was used? Pencils? Crayons? Paint? There's a copies of How To Draw Like A Nut & Loon in for the winner, that's the person who guesses the closest (because I cannot actually believe anyone will get it spot on). Comment here, Flickr, FB, Twitter, all the usual places. And you might want to click on the drawing to get a better look.

Thank you for all taking part in this little quiz. It was hard to judge (again, I hadn't thought that through), in the end I made a little bar chart marking each item you got. The winner came up with the most correct items.

So, this is how I did it;
I used six blue ballpoints to draw in the ashtray - yeah, six! I drew around it but I went straight in with the pen instead of , as a few of you thought putting it in with pencil first.
I used two red ballpoints - actually no black, which a lot of people guessed.
The outline was made with a dark blue fine liner, as was the stippling in the centre.
Then I used two blue pencils - one was an indigo blue which can give the opaque look to the drawing.
Two red pencils.
And a touch of graphic tint pencil for the shadow.

That's it! Fourteen items in all, I believe. Yes, I know; totally obsessive. The person who got the most correct items (they guessed nine) was Maureen. Zines on their way to you.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

look up and you'll see me

Clearly, I haven't thought the idea for this new book through. Because this is the space I'm left to work with on the next page.....

Now what the bloody hell do I do with that? Hmmmm.

Monday, January 09, 2012

keep falling, i'll find you

Right then. Let's get this show back on the road.

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all. Thank you for continuing to visit my blog despite the woeful lack of activity here. The truth is I ate and drunk so much over the holidays that getting out of the chair, to use the computer, became very hard work. And, even if I could have (got out the chair, that is) my fingers have got so fat that they were too much for the little keys. Something like that anyway.

But, what a great way to start my New Year posting; I've hooked up with the Pen Addict once again. This time I'm reviewing fine liner pens. This is one of the spreads from the said review, that can be found in full HERE.

Well, I have absolutely loads of new stuff to post. All that coming up in the next couple of weeks. For now Happy 2012!