
Thursday, December 31, 2009

but i get so blown away

So another one been and gone, folks. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, if, of course, you celebrate it. It was a very traditional British Christmas here.

It started just after the sun crossed over the yard arm, when we opened the tradional bottle of Christmas Champers.

We then had a little Christmas sherry, to warm the cockles, before setting out for the traditional Christmas walk. I managed a little Christmas draw with my new Chritsmas pens.

Then, when we got back home we had a traditional mulled wine so that we didn't catch colds, of course.

And, then it was time for another little Christmas draw. The draw for the drawing above. All the names, of everybody who bought my little Molezine, were put into a bowl. Then in a flash of creativity (a Christmas brandy or two) we decided to get the dog to draw the name out.

And, you know what? He did it. With a bit of encouragement (rubbing his Christmas bone on the names) he pushed one name out of the bowl. Honestly.

Unfortunatley, he then proceeded to eat it! Mwah mwah mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

But we did manage to wrestle the half eaten name off him. And the winner is, drum roll please, Kristen Ehmen.
Because I know you want to know; the day continued in a very traditional way. We ate lots, drunk lots more and then fell asleep on the setee in front of the Christmas telly. Perfect.

Back in the New Year with lots of new stuff, folks. Can't wait to get drawing again. Have a fab 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i know that's who you are

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to be posting this as my Christmas drawing. No, siree. I was trying out some more of those upside down portraits. This motley crew were copied from the newspaper and my dvd collection.

As you can see, at the beginning of this exercise I kept getting confused and getting the book the wrong way up. I absolutely LOVE this exercise, though. Not only are you drawing but you have a real good laugh, too. What can be better than that?

They are all, unbelievably, celebrities. I'd LOVE to hear if you think you might be able to name some. There are the obvious ones; Swelling (as I used to think she was called) Ewing, Boris Johnson (was that obvious, I don't know?). And, then there are some...well...if you could name them, not only would I eat my hat I'd give you

Happy Happy Christmas, one and all.

(Disclaimer: I will NOT really give you my car)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

i want you, i want you so bad

Still not a great deal of drawing going on around here. So here's a little doodle I did, a while back, with one of THESE PENS. It wasn't my pen, I'd borrowed it to doodle with. However, finding this drawing has reminded me of how truly amazing those pens are. In fact, I do believe they are the greatest inventions of all time. Why don't I have one?

I'm off to source four colour ballpoint multi pens....

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

it's written in the stars

This is an oldie, yes. But it's not on my blog, no. Until now.

I did post it, for about five minutes, about a year back, when I'd drawn it. But I couldn't bear looking at it. I don't why I disliked it so much back then. Well, apart from the composition - which I still feel is a bit contrived. I remember posting it and then deleting it later the same day.

Today, while I was looking through the Moleskine drawings that I'd saved to a pen drive, I came across it again. And, with a year or so between us I feel that maybe I was being a bit harsh back then. It's not too bad. It's not great. Not my best. But it ain't awful or owt.

So, especially as I have nothing else to post, I thought I'd give it another outing. Better owt than nowt. As they say up North.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

come gather 'round people

Finally, a drawing.

You know, every year I intend to make Christmas cards. And every year I leave it until it's too late. What makes this scenario more frustrating is that I am actually a Moo designer, so it really is an opportunity going to waste.

But whilst it's on my mind, I was thinking that perhaps, maybe, I could get some Christmassy drawings together now. So by next year I'd be really really prepared. There'd be no excuses. Next year I'll be the kid who doesn't leave their homework until half an hour before it should be handed in.

I was never that kid. I was the one doing my homework on the school bus. On the way to school. Times they are a changing. I like to think.

I'm calling this one Everyday Matters challenge #95. Draw a holiday card. More challenges HERE.

(Just a note to explain why Brussels sprouts should make a Christmas card. Because, from the response, it's obviously not a tradition that travels. In the UK sprouts are not just a tradition they are the law. You HAVE to have sprouts with your Christmas dinner - whether you like it or not - or you'll be tracked down and actively thrown out of the country. It's true.)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

why i went missing

a) Thank you to everyone who has ordered my little Molezine. Aaw.
b) I do hope you like them. Yikes.
c) I've been so busy with packing and posting them that I haven't had time to do anything else, including draw. Phew.
d) All packing was done with an excruciatingly painful, and probably life threatening, paper cut on the thumb. Ouch.
e) Every single order, zines and prints, that has been placed up to this point in time (15:44 GMT on Friday afternoon) has now been posted. Yipeeee.
f) If you want one before Christmas, and live anywhere but the UK, order right now. Shazam.
g) It seems I've lost the ability to take a half decent photograph. Damn.
h) It's back to drawing. Yay!

THANK YOU ALL. I'm touched by the amazing response and I'm cream crackered. I was up til 3:30 last night/morning packaging them all up. Time for nice sit down and a cuppa, I think. AND I'm going to eat an entire packet of Jaffa Cakes. Do you have a problem with that?
Cheers, my dears.