Wednesday, July 22, 2009

i'll be back again and again and again and again and again...

....with a little help from my friends (you know, I only ever speak in song lyrics these days). So, a little while back I asked if anybody fancied colouring in my black and white drawings of this girl. And to my amazement some of you did! And, with the most fabulous results, too. Way better than my attempt. So without further ado...

Kathleen (age; post adolescent):

Hannah (age; 10 years):

Beth (age; 9):

Jeanne (age; 60):
Laurel (age; 7):
Grace (age; 13):
Gianluca (age; 29):
Andrea Joseph (age; no spring chicken):
And, finally...
Lara the cat. Age; what's it got to do with you?
Thank you all so much for taking part, guys.
Psssst, also check out Pippa's gorgeous blog for her versions and a bonus story about my girl and her mess; HERE.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! (Especially Lara's ;-) )

Ann said...

Lovely collection! Thanks Andrea :-)

hsing3kinder said...

This is so cool!! I think a coloring book is in order :-)
Love your work Andrea, thanks for having Grace be part of it.

Carol said...

I agree, you should make a coloring book!
My verification word is slycheap, that doesn't sound very good does it:)

K said...

Oh, Andrea!!! How fun is this!?! And I DEFINITELY agree--a colouring book is in order!! Any publisher would be too silly not to publish a coloring book of your incredible drawings! And obviously the children love them, me included!! :))

Cathy K. said...

Just adding my voice to the plea for an Andrea Joseph coloring book. Well, I would personally love a book of your work in any format, but a coloring book would be an absolute treat! I'd have great fun with it, although my results wouldn't be anywhere near as good as those posted here.

nanke's stuff said...

What a fun and unique idea. It was quite a trip seeing all the different versions and ages of the folks who played. Well done! nancy

kimberly said...

So much fun here!!! These all look great!

jeanette, mistress of longears said...

This is such a wonderful post! Love all the examples - you could do a great book on this theme.

Dan Kent said...

Cool idea and great results!

iva yaneva said...

these are so gorgeous! so much fun :)
I wanted to give it to my 8-year-old niece to colour it, but my printer broke:( She was speechless when she saw your drawings though, she really loved them :)

Alex said...

Awesome!!! I love seeing different versions from people from all ages...and a cat! :) That made me smile.
But you're so right, this looks like so much fun!

Stephen Hall said...

Are you taking orders for your colouring book!These are fabulous! I like Beth's best :-)

winna said...

this is fascinating to see---love it!

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh my gosh!!!! This is incredible. What does this tell you?!? Perhaps that your work has a very interested audience? I think so!

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

Oh how cool... of course my Grand Daughter Laurel's is my favorite. thanks for doing this Andrea.

The Speckled Sink said...

This was a sweet idea and very generous of you, Andrea. I'll echo the chorus...I'd like to put a reserve on a few dozen AJ coloring books. There was a lady selling hers on etsy that I bought for my daughter. Would love to see what you come up with.

Sandy said...

What FUN!!!!!

Tracy said...

they are wonderful! it was a good thing lara wasnt using paint. there would have been paw prints everywhere! :0)

Mooneybeams said...

That's so much fun!

I love the cat curled up on the girl's back - it's what my cat Cagney used to do!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Hey, thanks, guys.

It was such a joy to see these versions of my drawing arrive. I'm glad you liked them too. I think they are ALL great.

I'd never thought of a colourimg book before, but it's a very nice idea. It als means that I'd get to do the monochromatic drawings (the bit I like) and everybody else can put the colour in! A perfect plan.

Cheers, to everyone for taking part and to everyone else for their kind comments.

Kay said...

Yes, a colouring book. Maybe a themed one, perhaps travel? I think that would be great. Nice to see these.

Rita said...

I agree with everybody else--a coloring book is a great idea. Was delightful to see all the versions people colored--all ages, too! :)

petescully said...

this is so cool. I especially like the colours in laurel's one. What a cool idea!

Joan Y said...

Oh wow! Why didn't *I* think of doing that! Coloring book, yes! I know a lot of kids that would enjoy coloring it in ... including me! :)

Debrina said...

Oh wow! I've just discovered you! What an awesome blog and your sketches/illustrations/artwork are so detailed and original. They remind me of the glorious Puffin Annual illustrations I had when I was a child (think 1970s) and that I still adore to this very day! I'm adding you to my favourtites list!

mrana said...

What a wonderful idea Andrea! I love all the different interpretations ... :)

Unknown said...

scrolling thru these made me so happy - as a visit here always does :)

donna said...

I love your drawings. They inspire me in ways I can hardly express. I remember my dreams better when I peruse your stuff. Thank you. What a gift!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Thanks, everyone.

This was such a lovely project. Made more lovely by the participants, of course.

Debrina, that's a real compliment. I loved those books too. I haven't seen them for so long, though. I might have to go and seek some out.

Cheers, folks. You must know by now, but in case you don't; you make my day.

mo said...

wow, what fun to see how creative everyone was with their colors. what a terrific idea you had, andrea. the pictures made me smile, which is a great way to start the day ;)