
Sunday, June 22, 2008

the spider of time

I think I have found the cure for the drawing bug that's been going around. What you need to do is go to the hospital. Really. That's what I did this week. I went to the hospital. Cardiff Children's Hospital to be precise. It is the first, and only, children's hospital in Wales. I donated a couple of drawings, this is one and you can see the other HERE. Just to be a tiny little part of this amazing place makes me feel a whole lot better. Or is that humbled?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


These are a couple of drawings I did a some time back, but decided not to post. Frankly, I wouldn't be posting them now if I had anything else to share. Do you find that sometimes a day, or a week, can have a theme running through it? Today the theme, for me, was books. Books, books, books. Which is another reason for digging out these two old drawings. I started the day clearing out my bookshelves and I'll end it by sharing these two books with you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

cold moments

I don't want to keep harping on about drawing funks, but I've had yet another frustrating week. I have realised what the trouble is. A friend of mine always says that I am 'a bubbling cauldron of creativity', and I have to admit that is a good description of how I feel. Usually the ideas are coming through so thick and fast that I don't always have time to catch them. The ones I do grab are added to a list that's as long as my arm. The last few weeks that hasn't been happening. Even my list looks uninspiring and I wonder whatever made me think they were good ideas in the first place. I am looking at things and willing them to become subjects. Forcing them, in fact.

The good news is, though, last night I lay awake until the early hours (or is that late hours?) as ideas and potential drawings refused to let me sleep. Now I just need to find my butterfly net.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

tangerine dream

I still haven't completed a drawing in the last week, I've lost my...erm...*cough*...drawing bug. But, when I was making my last post, and uploading the photos, I remembered this little drawing (above) that I did quite sometime ago. I didn't post it back then because it just looked so small and, er, pathetic (this being less harsh on myself is going very well).

It is one of the colour boxes you can see in the photos from the last post. The orange one. Obviously. I'm also posting the red and green ones -which you may have seen before - so that little orange one doesn't feel so lonely (and pathetic).

These container were all from the Body Shop and once were filled with their gorgeous body butters. From top to bottom; tangerine, pomegranate and avocado. The smell still lingers too, which is a nice surprise when you open the box. I wish this blog was Scratch and Sniff because these drawings smell gorgeous.

Monday, June 02, 2008

that's where you'll find me

Well, there's no new drawing on the horizon so I thought I'd post a few snaps. Yes, basically, I've been buggering around with the camera again. These are my new ready-made Moo cards. I usually spend hours, on the Moo site, uploading and cropping the images. So it was very nice not to have to do that this time.

Ok, so it doesn't quite line up, but it's not bad for a one (shaky) handed photographer. Don't be jealous of my beautifully manicured nails. No, don't.

I have actually drawn those buttons about 3 or 4 times already, and you know what, I ain't finished with them yet. You can see the orange, green and red boxes, that hold collections of tiny orange, green and red things, behind the Moo card. And you thought I made this stuff up, didn't you? Nope, I really am that anal.

Finally, ONE of my pencil cases. The colour ballpoint pencil case. Obviously. Brightens the place up a bit, don't you think? Anyway, you can see the full set of snaps featuring my Moos in all sorts of compromising positions HERE.

You know, the internet is the best thing that's ever happened to recluses.